Pocatello opens new Connection and Intervention Station

By Cole Sams

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) – GEO Reentry Services has opened its newest Connection and Intervention Station in Pocatello.

The station works with people from the community who are on probation or parole following a direct referral from their supervising officer.

“If they’re struggling with substance abuse, if they’re struggling with motivation, if they’re maybe struggling finding employment, they look at all those things that tend to lead to a violation somewhere down the road, and they can refer them to the Connection and Intervention Station,” said Idaho Department of Corrections District Manager Jimmie Gentry.

When entering the program, participants receive Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), a type of treatment designed to change the thought process and decision-making behind addiction and criminal behavior.

“They’re happy, they’re engaged. We don’t require them to check in every day, but a lot of them do.”

Amy Austin, Program Manager, Pocatello CIS

In just a short time, Program Manager Amy Austin says she sees results.

“Several participants are excited to be here,” Austin said. “They’re happy, they’re engaged. We don’t require them to check in every day, but a lot of them do.”

The ultimate goal of the program is to keep members of our community in the community and not behind bars.

“This resource is highly important to the success of those staying in the community, having a meaningful life with the skills that they need to be successful,” said Statewide Manager Evette Navedo.